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学习者模型 learner model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-07 08:18:25


学习者模型 learner model英语短句 例句大全

学习者模型,learner model

1)learner model学习者模型

1.Traditional intelligent learning environment as only onelearner model to meet user personalized learning needs, For this reason this paper,puts up a Multi-Agent-based intelligent learning environment, the learning environment and makes a discussion on the architecture, and the client leaner model, the serverlearner model and their interaction between the models are also specifically described.传统的智能学习环境由于只有一个学习者模型难以满足用户个性化学习的需要。

2)student model学习者模型

1.To establish a sharable, dynamicstudent model can strengthen mutually operation of systems, raise the share of data and cut down needless repetition.在个性化教学系统中,学习者模型能为系统提供与学习相关的重要的学习者信息。

3)learner model agent学习者模型代理

4)learner model Ontology学习者模型Ontology

5)student modeling学习者建模

1.This paper introduces thestudent modeling methods and characteristics of the ICAI system,analyses the main difficulties faced by the ICAI system on the Internet,and combines with various methods and highlights their respective dominant policies according to the objectives of all parts of the system in order to increase the overall system intelligence and improve the man machine interfacin本文研究智能计算机辅助教学系统 (ICAI)学习者建模的方法及特点 ,分析因特网环境的I CAI系统面临的主要困难 ;根据系统各部分的主要目标 ,将各种方法有机结合并突出各自优势的策略 ,以达到提高系统的综合智能 ,改善人机接口的目


1.Research on Student Model in E-Learning;E-Learning中学习者建模研究

2.How Can We Help Students to Become Autonomous Learners?;帮助学习者构建自主学习模式的思考与实践

3.Construction on Training Mode of Automatic Learning in College English;大学英语学习者自主能力培养模式的建构

4.Promoting Learners’ Initiative Learning by Constructing “Learning Community”;构建“学习共同体” 促进学习者自主学习

5.Help Individual Learners Build up the Model of Metacognition in Listening Comprehension;帮助学习者个体建立听力理解中的元认知模式

6.Constructing the Mode of Training Strategy-type Learners Ability of Solving Problems;构建策略型学习者问题解决能力培养模式

7.An Experiential Learning Model of Consumer in Experience Economy Time体验经济时代消费者的体验学习模型构建

8.Investigation and Strategic Advice on Self-Learning for Distance Education Learners;远程学习者自主学习调查及策略建议

9.Learning Community Based on Professional Trust: A Pilot Study of School Administration Model in China;基于信任的学习者社群建设——对我国学校管理模式的初步思考

10.The Construction of Learning Model Should Pay Attention to the Research of Learning Strategy;构建学习模式应注重学习策略的研究

11.It appears that by this teaching module, in terms of constructivism, learners can get easier conceptual change when learning to the concepts of buoyancy.研究结果显示,透过建构式教学模组之设计有助于学习者对于浮力单元学习之概念改变。

12.On the Usage of Selected Epistemic Modals by Chinese Learners;对中国学习者询问、给予建议时典型模糊语的使用研究(英文)

13.On Learners" Collaborative Knowledge Building--A Process Model Based on Reflective Thinking论学习者的协作知识构建——基于反思性思维的过程模型

14.Study on Organizational Learning Pattern and Construction Model of Learning Enterprise;学习型企业的组织学习模式和构建模型研究

15.To Promote the Learner Autonomy of Foreign Language by the Model of Interactive Classroom;通过互动式课堂模式促进学习者学习自主性

16.The Three-Dimensional Model of Chinese Distance Learners Learning Style;中国远程学习者学习风格特征的三维模型

17.On the Construction of a Multi-dimensional "Learner-Centered" EFL Learning Environment;“以学习者为中心”的EFL学习环境的多维建构

18.Constructivist Theory and the Cultivation of Learner s Autonomy;建构主义理论与学习者自主学习能力的培养


student model学习者模型

1.To establish a sharable, dynamicstudent model can strengthen mutually operation of systems, raise the share of data and cut down needless repetition.在个性化教学系统中,学习者模型能为系统提供与学习相关的重要的学习者信息。

3)learner model agent学习者模型代理

4)learner model Ontology学习者模型Ontology

5)student modeling学习者建模

1.This paper introduces thestudent modeling methods and characteristics of the ICAI system,analyses the main difficulties faced by the ICAI system on the Internet,and combines with various methods and highlights their respective dominant policies according to the objectives of all parts of the system in order to increase the overall system intelligence and improve the man machine interfacin本文研究智能计算机辅助教学系统 (ICAI)学习者建模的方法及特点 ,分析因特网环境的I CAI系统面临的主要困难 ;根据系统各部分的主要目标 ,将各种方法有机结合并突出各自优势的策略 ,以达到提高系统的综合智能 ,改善人机接口的目

6)types of learners学习者类型


赫尔学习模型赫尔学习模型Hull"s learning model赫尔学习模型(Hu一’slearningmodel)刺激一反应(S一R)理论的具体应用。赫尔认为人的购买行为,受着四个变量的制约,其基本模式是:E=D .K‘H’vo式中:E表示行为或个人潜在反应。D表示个人内在的驱力,如饥饿要寻找食物,口渴要寻找饮料等。K表示目标物所具有的诱因,如某一品牌食物对消费者的吸引力。H表示习惯程度,包括购买习惯与消费习惯,即消费者本身得到增强的强度。V表示线索的强度,如商品广告的次数及刺激量。以上四个要素,如数值愈大,则购买一可能性愈大。同时,由于此模型是积乘的,如出现某一因素的位为O,则潜在反应(E)亦为0,那就不可能产生购买行动。(傅汉章撰马谋超市)
