高血压专题网 > 温升比值 Ratio of temperature rise英语短句 例句大全

温升比值 Ratio of temperature rise英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-18 19:58:47


温升比值 Ratio of temperature rise英语短句 例句大全

温升比值,Ratio of temperature rise

1)Ratio of temperature rise温升比值

2)temperature rise ratio温升比

3)heating up range升温值

1.The effects of excess heating agent index, oxygen supplying speed and Ar flow rate on heating up speed andheating up range are discussed.8℃·min-1,升温值14。

4)peak value of temperature rising温升降值

5)maximum of temperature raise温升限值

1.When the running and tested places of electric locomotive are different,themaximum of temperature raise and the insulation voltage must be modified exactly.在高海拔地区运行的电力机车,由于使用地点的气压低,机车内发热部件的散热、绝缘等性能受到了不良影响,因此对其发热部件的温升限值及各部件的绝缘耐受电压值要作相应的修正。


1.Thermostability and Temperature Rise Limit of UHV Dry-Type Smoothing Reactor with Air-Core特高压干式空心平波电抗器的耐热性能与温升限值

2.Wenzhou Hongsheng Group Co., Ltd.温州鸿升集团有限公司

3.The value of the helicopter is immense. It can hardly be measured.直升机的价值是无限的,几乎无法估量。

4.Numerical simulations of bird impact on helicopter rotor blades直升机主桨叶的鸟撞有限元数值模拟

5.Finding Out the Threshold Temperature for the Infrared Monitor and Alarming System on Wheel Tyre Loosing;轮箍弛缓红外测温系统报警温度门限值的测定

6.lower limit of response time of heat detector感温火灾探测器响应时间下限值

7.a rise in the price of meat, the value of the dollar, the average temperature肉类价格的上涨、 美元的升值、 平均温度的增高.

8.Ce sont des résistances dont la valeur change fortement en fonction de la température.热敏电阻的电阻值随温度升降的变化很大。

9.Numerical Simulation Study on Flow Field and Temperature Field of Accessory Nacelle on a Helicopter直升机附件舱流场和温度场的数值仿真研究

10.Numerical Simulation on the Heating Process of Pulverized-Coal Particles in Boilers;锅炉煤粉加热升温机理的数值模拟研究

11.High-tech firms value adding: green house effect of science parks;高新技术企业价值提升:科技园的温床效应

12.On the Updating of Wen-zhou Footwear Industrial Cluster based on Global Value Chain;基于全球价值链的温州鞋业集群升级研究

13.Numerical simulation of seawater cooling during surimi dehydration海水冷却条件对鱼糜脱水温升抑制的数值模拟


15.The Increasingly Hot Fashion to Study Chinese Traditional Culture and Several Problems on It国学热的持续升温与值得思考的几个问题

16.The Bottleneck Restrictions and Upgrading Strategies of China s TV Advertising Value;我国电视广告价值的瓶颈限制与提升策略

17.The total dose increases continuously from the time of arrival of the fallout toward the limiting(infinite time)value.总剂量从沉降物抵达时开始就不断上升直到极限值(无限时间)。

18.Limit value of allowable continuous heat exposure time in hot environmentGB935-1989高温作业允许持续接触热时间限值


temperature rise ratio温升比

3)heating up range升温值

1.The effects of excess heating agent index, oxygen supplying speed and Ar flow rate on heating up speed andheating up range are discussed.8℃·min-1,升温值14。

4)peak value of temperature rising温升降值

5)maximum of temperature raise温升限值

1.When the running and tested places of electric locomotive are different,themaximum of temperature raise and the insulation voltage must be modified exactly.在高海拔地区运行的电力机车,由于使用地点的气压低,机车内发热部件的散热、绝缘等性能受到了不良影响,因此对其发热部件的温升限值及各部件的绝缘耐受电压值要作相应的修正。

6)temperature rise peak value温升峰值

1.The paper,based on adiabatic temperature rise equation,establishes temperature rise equation under the condition of heat radiation,and finds out the conditional equation about temperature rise peak age and its approximate calculating method,by which everytemperature rise peak value is calculated .在绝热温升方程的基础上 ,建立散热情况下的温升方程 ,推算出温升峰值龄期的条件方程及近似计算方法 ,进而求出各温升峰值。


力学量的可能值和期待值在量子力学中,力学量F用作用于波函数上的算符弲表示。在数学上,对于一个算符,满足 的函数 ui(r)称为弲的本征函数,式中Fi是与r无关的数,称为本征值。如果ui(r)描写微观粒子的状态,则它必须满足单值、连续和有限的标准条件。在这种限制之下,上式中的本征值可以取一系列分立值,或取一定范围内的连续数值。在测量力学量F时,观察到的只能是它的本征值。若一个力学量的本征值具有分立谱,我们说这个力学量是量子化的。量子力学中假定力学量的全部本征函数组成一个完全系;这意思是说:描写体系的任一状态的波函数ψ都可以用力学量的本征函数ui展开: 在ψ和ui都是归一化的情况下,上式中的展开系数сi具有如下的物理意义:在ψ态中测量力学量时,得到结果为Fi的几率是|сi|2。因此,若微观粒子的定态波函数是某力学量算符的本征函数ui(r),则在这一状态中,力学量F取确定值Fi。在ψ态中对力学量进行多次测量,把所得结果加以平均,就得出力学量在ψ态中的期待值,以〈F〉表示:上式称为力学量的期待值公式。如果ψ不是归一化的,那么期待值公式应写为
