高血压专题网 > 教师职业素质 teachers professional quality英语短句 例句大全

教师职业素质 teachers professional quality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-25 22:28:44


教师职业素质 teachers professional quality英语短句 例句大全

教师职业素质,teachers professional quality

1)teachers professional quality教师职业素质

1.In recent years,Russian government has been realized that ruralteachers professional quality is the important factor which leads to success or failure of the modernization of the rural education in Russia.近年来,俄罗斯认识到农村教师职业素质的高低是影响农村教育现代化成败的重要因素,并有针对性地采取了一系列改进措施,取得了一定的成效。

2.So the evaluation system aboutteachers professional quality in higher vocational colleges should be constructed in the aspects of professional ethics,basic quality and professional competence based on the principles of being beneficial to the development of the individuals and the colleges,insisting on scientificness,integrating qualitative and quantitative e.因此,从有利于个人和院校发展、坚持科学性、坚持定量和定性评价相结合、坚持系统性、坚持可应用性和可操作性相统一等原则,从职业道德、基本条件和专业胜任能力三个方面构建高职院校教师职业素质评价指标体系将促进高职院校的健康发展。


1.How Teachers Professional Quality Affect the Quality Education in Colleges and Universities;高校教师职业素质对素质教育的作用

2.Yang Xianjiang’s View on Teachers’ Professional Quality and its Enlightenment on Teachers’ Development杨贤江教师职业素质观及其对教师发展的启示

3.A Simple Analysis on the Strategies of How to Promote Teachers Professional Qualities in Russia;浅析俄罗斯提高教师职业素质的策略

4.Challenge the Information Technology and Improve Teachers Quality;应对信息技术挑战 提高教师职业素质

5.The Making of Teachers and the Teachers Education_Some Ideas on the Structure of Teachers Career Quality;教师成长与教师教育——对教师职业素质结构的一点思考

6.On Constructing the Evaluation System about Teachers Professional Quality in Higher Vocational Colleges;论高职院校教师职业素质评价指标体系的构建

7.Investigation on essential factors of the professional quality of the contemporary middle school teachers;当代优秀中学教师职业素质要素的调查研究

8.Features and Demonstrating Forms of the Functionof Factors in Teacher s Professional Qualities;教师职业素质中诸因素作用的特点与表现形式

9.Primary Explorationinto the Connotion of“Double Competency” Teacher of Vocational Eduction;职业教育“双师素质”教师概念初探

10.Vocational Responsibilities and Quality of College Teachers in the New Period;新时期高校教师的职业职责和职业素质

11.On Establishing the Professional Quality Standards of Teachers in Vocational Institutions;论职业院校教师专业素质标准的建构

12.The Practice and Research on Cultivation of Academic-practical Teacher for Higher Vocational Education;高等职业教育双师素质教师培养的实践与研究

13.ON the Basic Qualities of Music Teachers in Higher Vocational Institutions;谈高等职业院校音乐教师的基本素质

14.College P.E. teachers vocational qualities and cultivation ways;高校体育教师的职业素质与培养途径

15.A Talk about the Behavior and Professional Quality for Physical Teachers;浅谈体育教师的行为举止与职业素质

16.On Teachers Professional Qualities and Spirits in 21st Century;21世纪教师应具备的职业素质和精神

17.A Study on the Professional Qualities of "Dual Teachers" and Their Trainnings in Higher Vocational Education;高职“双师型”教师的专业素质与培养的研究

18.Building A Strong Teaching Staff Geared to the Needs of Higher Vocational Education;高等职业教育教师的素质特征及“双师型”教师队伍的建设


the structure of teachers career quality教师职业素质结构

3)teachers  specialist quality教师职业特殊素质

4)quality of higher vocational teacher高职教师素质

5)teacher occupation教师职业

1.There is a process of seed, development and maturity in theteacher occupation emergence.我国教师职业的产生有一个萌芽、发育和成熟的过程 ,这一过程由长者为师、以官为师和职业教师三个阶段构成。

6)teachers occupation教师职业

1.The trait ofteachers occupation has gradually turned from government officials into professionals.我国的教育体制改革已经使传统的教师与政府、学校之间的法律关系发生了根本性的变化,教师职业的性质正逐步由过去的国家干部转变为专业人员。

2.The sense ofteachers occupational happiness is an important aspect of their teaching career.但目前,对小学、幼儿园教师职业幸福感的研究较多,而对中学教师群体的系统研究不多见。


职业素质职业素质occupational qualities职业素质(oeeupational qualities)人们从事职业活动所必须具备的生理因素和心理因素。生理方面包括人的体质、身高、相貌、反应速度、神经类型等:心理方面既包括与人的个性倾向性相联系的职业需要、职业兴趣、职业态度、职业道德、抱负水平、竞争意识、协作精神、职业习惯等心理品质,也包括直接影响职业劳动效率和成就水平的智能因素,如人的知识经验、技能、技巧、能力、智慧等。(孙俊山撰张交审)
