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肝静脉 Hepatic vein英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-22 01:23:11


肝静脉 Hepatic vein英语短句 例句大全

肝静脉,Hepatic vein

1)Hepatic vein肝静脉

1.Normal anatomy and variants of hepatic veins:a study using multi-slice spiral CT;多层螺旋CT增强扫描显示肝静脉正常解剖及变异

2.Three dimensional reconstruction of hepatic vein and intrahepatic portal vein based on the coronal sectional dataset;基于冠状面数据的肝静脉和肝内门静脉的三维重建

3.Hepatic vein reconstruction in living donor right fiver transplantation;活体右肝移植时的肝静脉重建29例分析


1.Pathological Study of Portal Vein、Hepatic Artery and Hepatic Vein in the Patient with Liver Cirrhosis and Portal Hypertension;肝硬化门脉高压患者肝动脉、门静脉和肝静脉病理变化分析

2.An Anatomic Study on Major Hepatic Veins and Short Hepatic Veins;主肝静脉和肝短静脉的应用解剖学研究

3.Cadaveric vein allografts in reconstruction of hepatic vein in adult-to-adult right lobe living donor liver transplantation应用尸体静脉移植物重建成人右半肝活体肝移植肝静脉

4.MSCT assessment of hepatic veins in living donor liver transplantation donors活体肝移植术前MSCT评估肝静脉

5.HEPATITIS A ANTIBODY( Anti HA)- Main laboratory test used to detect hepatitis A. Detects antibody produced by patient" s immune system in response to hepatitis A virus.肝静脉——肝脏主要的流出静脉,连接肝脏和腔静脉,然后到心脏。位置在肝脏上方。

6.Low mechanical index gray-scale contrast enhancement in rabbit hepatic vein and inferior vena cava肝静脉及下腔静脉灰阶超声造影的实验研究

7.The variations of the portal vein were observed after reconstructing3- dimentional portal vein and hepatic veins.三维重建门静脉及肝静脉,分析门静脉的解剖与变异。

8.Hepatocellular carcinoma Involve Hepatic Vein Inferior Vena Cana with Right Atrial Growth肝细胞癌累及肝静脉下腔静脉和右心房内生长(附4例报告)

9.The Sectional Imaging Anatomy and Three Dimensional Reconstruction of the Hepatic Vein and Intrahepatic Portal Vein;肝静脉和肝内门静脉的断层影像解剖及三维重建

10.Effects of Losartan on HVPG in rats with portal hypertension氯沙坦对肝硬化门静脉高压症大鼠肝静脉压力梯度的影响

11.Interventional therapy and complications after liver transplantation:the obstruction of the hepatic vein and inferior vena cava肝移植术后并发症与介入治疗 五、腔静脉、肝静脉梗阻

12.Samples of blood were collected from the radial artery, portal vein (PV) and hepatic vein (HV), in up to 120 minutes postreperfusion.再灌注后120分钟后从桡动脉、门静脉和肝静脉采血液样本。

13.All of the blood drains into a hepatic vein which then circulates throughout the body.所有的血液都流入肝静脉参与体循环。

14.Idiopathic hepatic arterio-portal-venous malformation in liver肝脏特发性肝动脉-门静脉畸形1例

15.Clinical anatomy of the right hepatic vein for living donor liver transplantation活体肝移植肝右静脉的临床解剖研究

16.Clinical anatomy of the middle hepatic vein for living donor liver transplantation活体肝移植肝中静脉的临床解剖研究

17.Transcatheter arterial and portal vein embolization of large hepatocellular carcinoma:a clinical trial of 47 cases肝动脉门静脉双栓塞治疗巨大肝癌(附47例报告)

18.Three-dimensional Reconstruction of Intrahepatic Veins and Visualization of Approach in Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt;肝脏静脉三维重建及肝内门体静脉分流术穿刺入路可视化研究


Hepatic veins肝静脉

1.Distribution and blood flow state of accessory hepatic veins by ultrasound;副肝静脉分布规律及其血流状态的超声表现

2.Observation of anastomosis of hepatic veins in cast moulds and its clinical significance;肝铸型标本肝静脉吻合的观测及临床意义

3.Three-dimensional reconstruction of the hepatic veins within liver by perfusion imaging with helix CT;灌注成像螺旋CT扫描法对肝静脉的三维图像重建

3)hepatic portal vein肝门静脉

1.Three dimensional reconstruction and real time display ofhepatic portal vein of first Chinese digitized visible human;首例中国数字化可视人体肝门静脉系的三维重建与实时显示

2.The morphological observation of embranchment of thehepatic portal vein within liver;肝门静脉肝内分支的形态观测及临床意义

parison of microstructural component between human and pighepatic portal vein;人与猪肝门静脉显微结构成分的比较

4)right hepatic vein右肝静脉

1.Role and significance ofright hepatic vein and hepatic pedicle exclusion in large liver tumor resection;肝蒂联合右肝静脉阻断在巨块型肝癌切除中的应用

5)Hepatic vein pressure肝静脉压

6)Short hepatic vein肝短静脉

1.Short hepatic vein had been detected in about 92% of patients(34/37)with hepatic vein type or.肝静脉型及混合型BCS患者中有92%(34/37)观测到肝短静脉,其中18例患者测量了肝短静脉汇入下腔静脉处频谱,肝功能Child-Pugh分级A级与B级间肝短静脉汇入下腔静脉处最大血流速度差异显著(P<0。


