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中国儿童 Chinese children英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-04 05:37:20


中国儿童 Chinese children英语短句 例句大全

中国儿童,Chinese children

1)Chinese children中国儿童

1.Objective Due to the accelerated growth ofChinese children, the secular trend of accelerated skeletal development was observed in this study in order to provide the evidence for using the standards of skeletal maturity in reason.目的观察中国儿童骨发育的长期趋势,为合理应用我国不同时期的骨发育标准提供参考。

2.Objective The existing standards of skeletal development for Chinese were revised in this study due to the accelerated growth and development ofChinese children in the past 20 years.目的:适应来中国儿童出现的长期快速的生长发育趋势,修订中国人手腕骨发育标准。

3.In view of the living style ofChinese children, traditional Chinese characteristics of quadrangles was integrated into the high-rise residential building to create a more humane living space in this paper.该文针对中国儿童的生活模式,在高层住宅中融入中国传统大杂院的空间特色,为儿童创建更人性化的生活空间;同时根据儿童成长的特点,提出了一种可伴随孩子的成长不断调节儿童空间的动态设计方法,让可变化的空间来适应孩子的成长。


1.China Children"s Fund中国儿童和少年基金会

2.Chinese Children Literature Creation and the Mediators of Foreign Children"s Literatures从外国儿童文学译介看中国儿童文学创作

3.An Ecological View in Children Research:with focus on developmental contexts of Chinese children;走向生态化的儿童研究:聚焦中国儿童成长环境

4.China"s welfare homes for children play a special role in the country"s efforts to care for children.中国的儿童福利院工作是中国儿童工作的特殊组成部分。

5.Are There Any Chinese Children s Books--To Develops the National Shape Chinese Children s Books and the Illustration Thinks Shallowly;有中国儿童读物吗?——对发展民族形态中国儿童读物及插画的浅思

6.Chinese Children’s Literature is Modern Literature--On Chinese Children’s literature and Modernization by Zhu Ziqiang;中国儿童文学是“现代”文学——评朱自强的《中国儿童文学与现代化进程》

7.The Use of TPR in English Acquisition of Chinese Children;TPR在中国儿童英语习得中的运用

8.The Image of Red Juveniles in Modern Chinese Children Literature现代中国儿童文学中的红色少年形象

9.International Children"s Centre国际儿童中心(儿童中心)

10.International Child Development Centre国际儿童发展中心(儿童发展中心)

11.Children"s Foundation of China中国少年儿童基金会

12.Turkish International Children"s Centre土耳其国际儿童中心

13.Holt International Children"s Services浩德国际儿童服务中心

14.Andersen s Fairy Tales-the Source of Chinese Contemporary Children s Literature;安徒生童话:中国现代儿童文学之源

15.International Study Centre for Children and Families国际儿童和家庭研究中心(儿童家研中心)

16.International Year of the Child国际儿童年(儿童年)

17.Thoughts of Public and Non-public Breeding of Children PromotedSocialization of Children Education in Chinese Modern Times;中国近代儿童公育与非儿童公育思潮对婴幼儿教育社会化的推进

18.Chinese People"s National Committee for the Defence of Childre中国人民保卫儿童全国委员会


Chinese children"s poetry中国儿童诗


4)Chinese obese boys中国肥胖儿童

5)Chinese children library中国儿童图书馆

6)Chinese children fiction中国儿童小说


