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ESL教师 ESLteachers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-22 08:18:54


ESL教师 ESLteachers英语短句 例句大全




1.Educational Conflicts between the Chinese Immigrants and ESL Teachers in Western Canada;中国移民学生家长与ESL教师的冲突——兼谈中西方教育文化的对抗

2.The British Teachers ESL Classroom Teaching Principles and Methods;英籍教师ESL课堂教学原则与方法——来自对学生的问卷调查

3.I am presently teaching ESL for grade seven at Maple Leaf junior high school.目前我在枫叶初中教七年级的esl课程。

4.Text,process and activity: on the approaches to the teaching of ESL writing;文本、过程与活动:ESL写作教学方法论略

5.The Significance of Metaphor to Conceptual Fluency in ESL Teaching;隐喻对ESL教学中概念流利的促进作用

6.A Brief Survey of the Product-focused Approach and the Process Approach to the Teaching of ESL Writing略论ESL写作教学中的“产品法”与“过程法”

7.Contrast Analysis between English and Chinese Figures of Speech and Its Implications on ESL Reading;英汉修辞格对比研究及其对ESL阅读教学的启示

8.Enlightenment of categorization and decategorization to ESL vocabulary teaching;范畴化和非范畴化对ESL词汇教学的启示

9.Research and Practice of ESL(EFL) Teaching System in China and Foreign countries" Joint Higher Education ProgramESL(EFL)教学体系在中外合作办学中的探索与实践

10.The Effectiveness of the Application of Reading Strategies for Improving Students Achievements in Senior High School ESL Classroom;高中ESL教学中阅读策略的运用对于提高学生学习成绩的有效性

11.Visual Presentation and Competence of Oral Expression;演示报告与口头表达能力——访温哥华的ESL教学有感

12.To help those who want to brush up on their English skills, English as a Second Language (ESL) classes abound.为满足那些想精进英语能力的人的需要,教导英语为第二语言的机构(esl)到处都是。

13.ESL Writing in the U.S.:From Pedagogical Practice to Theoretical Research;从学术边缘的游走到学科理论体系的建立——美国ESL写作教学研究40年

14.A historical return to recitation--An empirical study of the effectiveness of memetic writing teaching strategies从语言模因论看ESL写作教学的历史性回归——基于调查数据的实证分析

15.dancing master [ mistress ]舞蹈教师[女教师]

16.Teacher of Teacher:Studies into Teacher Educators in the West;教师的教师:西方的教师教育者研究

17.Senior Master [Correctional Services Department]主任教师〔惩教署〕

18.A Corpus-based Study on Repair in ESL Learners Conversation;基于语料库的ESL学习者会话修正研究


overall development of ESL teachersESL教师的综合发展

3)ESL teachingESL教学

1.Based on Lakoff and Johnson s conceptual metaphor theory,this paper attempts to discuss the significance of cognitive study of metaphor to conceptual fluency inESL teaching.文章旨在以Lakoff和Johnson的概念隐喻理论为基础,探讨认知学隐喻研究对ESL教学中概念流利的促进作用。

4)ESL vocabulary teachingESL词汇教学

1.Enlightenment of categorization and decategorization toESL vocabulary teaching;范畴化和非范畴化对ESL词汇教学的启示

5)ESL and EFL teachingESL和EFL教学

6)ESL classroom teachingESL课堂教学


