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三维动画片 three-dimensional animation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-02 06:55:22


三维动画片 three-dimensional animation英语短句 例句大全

三维动画片,three-dimensional animation

1)three-dimensional animation三维动画片

2)3D-animated film三维动画大片

1.The high-speed development of Computer-Generated Images techniques makes the3D-animated film, which is a newborn form of movie with only 20 years history, capture the eyes of the audiences in such a short period.CG技术突飞猛进的发展促使三维动画大片这种出现不久的电影形式,急速占领了人们的感官世界。

3)3D animation三维动画

1.Real-time Driving of 3D Animation Based on Matlab Engine for ASM;基于Matlab引擎的反舰导弹三维动画实时驱动

2.Study on computer assistant highway alignmentperformance with3D animation model;微机辅助设计公路线形三维动画技术探讨

3.A research of3D animation courseware on descriptive geometry;全三维动画画法几何课件研究


1.three dimensional animation & title creating system三维动画字幕创作系统

puter-generated animation计算机生成动画(三维动画)

parison on Artistic Features Between 3D Animation and 2D Animation;三维动画与平面动画的艺术特征比较

4.Making of 3D Animation in CAI Course Ware of Hydraulics and Pneumatics;液压与气动CAI课件中三维动画的制作

5.And 3D animation was also applied to enhance the effect.而后又利用三维动画增加效果。

6.Study and realization of three dimensional animation by using Flash and AutoCAD;运用Flash和AutoCAD实现三维动画的研究

7.On the Application of 3ds Max to Art Design;数字艺术设计中的三维动画教学探讨

8.Research on Rendering Workflow in the Industrial Process for 3D Animation Production三维动画制作的产业化渲染流程研究

9.Production and Application of 3D Animation in the Teaching of Crystallography“结晶学”教学中三维动画的制作与应用

10.Realizing Flash 3D Animation with Sandy 3D Engine利用Sandy引擎实现Flash三维动画

11.The 3D Animation Simulation Technology for Damming;长江三峡导流明渠截流三维动画仿真技术

12.The Application of 3DS MAX Three-dimensional AnimationDesign Technique for Developing the MCAI CourseWare of the Chemical Kinetics;3DS MAX三维动画在化学动力学MCAI课件中的应用

13.Research on Cruise Missile s Three-Dimension Precise Terminal Guidance Law and 3D Animation Simulation;巡航导弹的三维精确末制导律及三维动画仿真研究

14.Interactive 3D Canvas for Virtual Action Painting虚拟动作绘画的互动三维画布(英文)

15.3D-Scene Construction and Animation Design of Virtual Cartoon Environment虚拟动画三维场景的构建及动画拍摄的实现

16.Research on the 3D Assembly Animation Based on the Lightweight Model;基于轻量化模型的三维装配动画研究

17.Research on the VRML Three-dimensional Modeling and Animation Technology Based on Web3D;基于Web3D的VRML三维造型及动画技术研究

18.Analysis & Research on the Chinese 3D Character Design for Game Animation;三维游戏动画角色设计的研究和探索


3D-animated film三维动画大片

1.The high-speed development of Computer-Generated Images techniques makes the3D-animated film, which is a newborn form of movie with only 20 years history, capture the eyes of the audiences in such a short period.CG技术突飞猛进的发展促使三维动画大片这种出现不久的电影形式,急速占领了人们的感官世界。

3)3D animation三维动画

1.Real-time Driving of 3D Animation Based on Matlab Engine for ASM;基于Matlab引擎的反舰导弹三维动画实时驱动

2.Study on computer assistant highway alignmentperformance with3D animation model;微机辅助设计公路线形三维动画技术探讨

3.A research of3D animation courseware on descriptive geometry;全三维动画画法几何课件研究

4)three-dimensional animation三维动画

1.Application ofthree-dimensional animation to medical education through the process of "Mechanism of Labor" making;从《分娩机制》的制作看三维动画在医学教育中的应用

2.Design"s rightness was tested through trial-manufacture andthree-dimensional animation.提出了一种钳口作平动的钳子 ,基于最小二乘法建立了该种钳子尺寸设计的线性方程组 ,通过三维动画与试制验证了设计的正确

3.Three-dimensional modeling andthree-dimensional animation are used in clinical teaching and case analysis of peridontics.把三维建模与三维动画技术引入牙周病学的临床教学与案例分析,寻找目前技术条件下,虚拟现实在牙周病学教学中的切入点,并介绍了其实现方法。

5)3D Cartoon三维动画

1.Application of3D Cartoon in Architecture Design──Architecture Cartoon;三维动画在建筑设计中的运用——建筑动画

2.Using 3D cartoon technique,it brings forth the whole visual effect that will be achieved after the completeness of the railway station square,and supplies strong and obvious evidence for assessing the scheme from aesthetic aspect.应用三维动画技术,通过全方位展示站前广场建成后将达到的视觉效果,为从美学角度分析评价规划方案提供有力而直观的根据,并据此选定设计方案。

3.3D cartoon began to take leadership on cartoon-creating, although with the high technology, it is not so good at art as two-dimensional cartoon.三维动画开始在动画界占据主导地位,但是技术性较强的三维动画所具备的艺术性却远远不如二维动画。

6)D animation三维动画

1.D animation creates condition for selecting and optimizing design plans during the stage of architectural design.在建筑方案设计阶段和工程完成后 ,三维动画为筛选、优化设计方案、评估城市景观、协调工程与环境的关系 ,都创造了有利条件 。

2.The basic methods for realizing morphing in 3D animation are studied.给出了图形变形和图像变形的定义,研究了图形变形和图像变形的基本原理,探讨了开发三维动画软件过程中实现变形的基本方法。

3.0 to design the procedure of 3D animation simulation in milling mine.0实现磨矿过程三维动画仿真的设计过程 ,叙述各设备的建模方法、动画设置以及磨矿过程仿真连接与设计 ,并开发了磨矿过程三维动画显示与控制的程序和界面。


齿轮加工的三维动画仿真本文结合了VB在计算与数据处理方面的优点与AutoCAD在精确绘图方面的优点,采用Visual Basic6.0驱动AutoCAD 2000实现了齿轮加工的三维动画仿真,有较强的实用性。文中介绍三维参数化建模以及三维动画仿真的实现步骤,具有一定的代表性。一、引言 齿轮加工动画仿真是齿轮设计中的重要环节,已有数篇关于该课题的文献。郭晓东采用基于AutoCAD环境的ObjectARX软件包,用C++语言在AutoCAD环境下实现了对锥齿轮切齿过程的仿真;罗庆生在3DSMAX环境中开发了齿轮机构工作动画;冯涓在CAD环境下,用AutoLisp语言建立了范成法加工齿轮的仿真演示程序。 以上各种方法都有自己的特点,本文用VB对AutoCAD进行二次开发来实现齿轮加工的三维动画仿真,这是因为VB是目前最简捷的Windows软件开发工具兼程序设计语言,能对AutoCAD进行二次开发,可将AutoCAD当成自己程序中的一个图形窗口对其进行打开、绘图等操作,能十分方便地实现齿轮加工的动画仿真。二、仿真程序流程图与窗体设计 常见的齿轮加工方法有仿形法和范成法,范成法又包括齿轮插刀加工法、齿条插刀和齿轮滚刀加工法等。加工直齿圆柱齿轮的仿真程序流程,如图1所示。图1 仿真程序流程图 本程序只用一个窗体,用四个文本框接收输入参数:齿数Z、模数m、压力角α和变位系数x,用4个命令框控制子程序,1个命令框取消运行程序。该窗体运行结果如图2所示。图2 仿真窗体 三、 仿真方法1. 在VB中连接AutoCAD 用VB控制AutoCAD,是通过VB的Object技术来控制AutoCAD的对象及其方法和属性的。VB6.0在调用AutoCAD 2000对象时,首先必须在VB中引用该对象库,方法是在VB的“Projects/Preferences”菜单中选择“AutoCADObjectLibrary”。 程序设计伊始,需定义一个AutoCAD对象变量GearCAD,通过该变量可以访问AutoCAD的下级对象,定义方法为:Dim GearCAD As AcadApplication。然后在VB的窗体代码中添加如下代码,即可在程序运行时启动AutoCAD:
