高血压专题网 > 菱角粉 Bread英语短句 例句大全

菱角粉 Bread英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-06 11:05:49


菱角粉 Bread英语短句 例句大全



1.The Effect of Water Chestnut Powder onBread Quality添加菱角粉对面包品质影响的研究

2)water caltrop starch菱角淀粉

1.Study on physicochemical properties of micronizedwater caltrop starch微细化菱角淀粉理化性质研究

2.Some physical and chemical properties ofwater caltrop starch were studied,including amylose and amylopectin contents, viscosity analysis by RVA, pasting temperature, soluble and swelling power,and retro-gradation properties etc.为了给菱角淀粉的综合利用提供理论依据和基础数据,对菱角淀粉的化学组成、溶解度、膨胀度、淀粉糊的粘度与老化特性等进行了研究。

3.Gel texture properties ofwater caltrop starch paste from Xichang,Sichuan province were investigated using a TA-XT2i texture analyzer.以四川西昌产两角菱角淀粉为原料,利用TA-XT2i物性测定仪,研究超声作用下两角菱角淀粉糊凝胶质构特性的变化。


1.Studies on the Physical and Chemical Properties of Water Caltrop Starch and Developments of Its Modified Starch;菱角淀粉理化特性的研究及其改性淀粉的开发

2.Effect of Ultrasonic Treatment on Gel Texture Properties of Water Caltrop Starch Paste超声波处理对菱角淀粉糊凝胶质构特性的影响

3.Digestive Enzyme in Turbot Scophthalmus Maximus L.;大菱鲆主要消化酶—蛋白酶、脂肪酶、淀粉酶的研究

4.Similar to or yielding farina.似淀粉的或产生淀粉的

5.starch retrogradation淀粉凝沉, 淀粉回生

6.A proteinaceous structure found within the chloroplast of certain algae and hornworts.It is considered to be associated with starch deposition.淀粉核在某些海藻和角苔中的叶绿体中找到的蛋白质结构一般被认为与淀粉沉淀物有关

7.They are pink diamonds.它们都是粉红色的菱形。

8.Preparation of resistant starch from potato by α-amylase hydrolysisα-淀粉酶水解马铃薯淀粉制备抗性淀粉

9.bacteria diastase[细菌]淀粉糖化酶

10.pyrenoid-like body淀粉[蛋白]核状体

11.a banana tree bearing hanging clusters of edible angular greenish starchy fruits; tropics and subtropics.长有绿色可食有角悬垂淀粉类果实串的香蕉树;热带和亚热带地区。

12.A Size-exclusion Chromatography with Multiple Angle Laser Light Scattering Study of Molecular Features of Starch高效排阻色谱-多角度激光散射分析淀粉分子特征

13.diastase, diastatic enzyme淀粉糖化酶,淀粉酶制剂(退浆剂)

14.The latter causes hydrolysis of the starch in the endosperm.此后在胚乳中淀粉酶导致淀粉水解。

15.consisting of or containing starch.由淀粉组成的或包含淀粉的。

16.Made from, rich in, or consisting of starch.由淀粉制成,富于或含有淀粉的

17.Maltose is readily produced by hydrolysis of starch using the enzyme β-amylase.麦芽糖可以用13-淀粉酶水解淀粉制得。

18.Green banana pulp contains large of starch and resistant starch.青香蕉含有丰富的淀粉和抗性淀粉。


water caltrop starch菱角淀粉

1.Study on physicochemical properties of micronizedwater caltrop starch微细化菱角淀粉理化性质研究

2.Some physical and chemical properties ofwater caltrop starch were studied,including amylose and amylopectin contents, viscosity analysis by RVA, pasting temperature, soluble and swelling power,and retro-gradation properties etc.为了给菱角淀粉的综合利用提供理论依据和基础数据,对菱角淀粉的化学组成、溶解度、膨胀度、淀粉糊的粘度与老化特性等进行了研究。

3.Gel texture properties ofwater caltrop starch paste from Xichang,Sichuan province were investigated using a TA-XT2i texture analyzer.以四川西昌产两角菱角淀粉为原料,利用TA-XT2i物性测定仪,研究超声作用下两角菱角淀粉糊凝胶质构特性的变化。

3)looped ends diamond菱角菱形

4)water chestnut菱角

1.Research progress on the healthy functional ingredients inwater chestnut;菱角功能性成分研究进展

2.This paper described the jam ofwater chestnut compound strawberry and it is a nutritive and delicious jam.介绍了以菱角为主要原料,草莓为辅料制作营养丰富、酸甜可口的菱角、草莓复合果酱的研制工艺,确定了最佳工艺配方,为菱角资源的开发利用开辟了新的途径。

3.This paper introduced the nutrient value and the health-care function ofwater chestnut,the research of relative products are also summarized.介绍了菱角的营养价值、保健功能,以及菱角产品的开发现状及研发趋势。

5)Trapa spp菱角

1.Effect of harvest maturity on quality and postharvest physi-ology ofTrapa spp;成熟度对菱角采后品质和生理生化变化的影响

6)Trapa manshurica Fler菱角

1.Separation, Purification and Structural Identification of Anti-tumour Compound inTrapa manshurica Fler;菱角中抗肿瘤活性成分的分离、提纯及结构鉴定

2.Effects of purified product fromTrapa manshurica Fler on apoptosis and cell cycle progression of liver cancer SMMC-7721 cells in vitro;菱角纯化物三羟基苯甲酸二聚体对肝癌SMMC-7721细胞凋亡及细胞周期进程的影响


香菇烧菱角香菇烧菱角原料: 原 料:水发香菇100克,大菱角1000克,精盐2克,黄酒0.5克,味精0.5克,酱油10克,白糖5克,植物油500克(实耗50克),葱段,生姜片,素鲜汤,麻油各适量。制法: (1)菱角去壳,取出菱肉,并将每个菱肉一切两半,水发香菇去蒂洗净,一切两瓣。(2)炒锅上火,放油烧至七成热,下菱角肉炸熟,倒入漏勺沥油。(3)原锅仍上火,放入25克植物油烧热,放葱段,生姜片略炒,再下香菇炒出香味,烹黄酒,接着放酱油,素鲜汤烧沸,拣出葱段,生姜片不要,将菱角肉放入,加白糖,精盐再度烧开,加味精,用小火烧一会,待入味,用湿淀粉勾芡,淋上麻油,出锅装盘即成。特点: 菱角酥糯,花菇鲜香,汤汁味美,益气补虚,生津润燥。
